This Super Useful WP Plugin Will Make Affiliate Marketers Absolutely Crazy! Now You Can Cloak And Load Your Affiliate Link Onto Your Social Share Buttons!
This is a sensational, super-useful plugin that will make affiliate marketers absolutely crazy, in the good kind of way of course!
With the affiliate social buttons, you have the amazing power to cloak your facebook share, twitter tweet, linkedin share and google+ buttons with your affiliate link.
What does this mean? It means a lot! If anybody shares your page on facebook, twitter, linkedin or even on the Google+ network, you will be sharing a page that loads up your affiliate cookie.
What does this mean? It means that every subsequent share, every view, every read that your social shared page gets, and the sale that it can potentially generate, is a sale that will generate a commission for you!
What the Affiliate Social Buttons Plugin, You Can:
Make every social share a potential sales opportunity.
Rake in a flurry of sales if your page goes socially viral.
Increase conversions by adding a discreet, subtle and highly effective call to action.
Social share button can be also be programmed to share a different, special capture page, a page that you set!
WP Plugin: Mobile Simulator
WP Plugin: Affiliate Social Buttons
- Brand: Wordpress
- Product Code: 108 - WP Plugin
- Reward Points: 100
- Availability: In Stock
- Price in reward points: 300
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